School Advisory Council consists of seven elected/appointed members, the pastor of St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Parish, the principal and other non-voting members.
School Advisory Council Duties: The council is advisory to the Pastor and Superintendent of Schools. The council prepares and sets policies for the school with the approval of the Pastor. The principal implements policies, employs, and supervises the faculty and staff. Council meetings are held monthly on the second Monday of the month at 5:30 p.m. (unless otherwise scheduled and published in the parish bulletin) in Room 1 of St Philip School. Meetings are open and parents and stakeholders may address the council by notifying the Principal or the Advisory Council Chairperson in writing and requesting the placement of an item on the agenda 5 working days prior to the scheduled meeting. The policies and regulations governing open meetings presentations are in the Diocese of Victoria Handbook of Policies and Regulations for Catholic Schools. A copy of this document is available in the school office.
School Advisory Council Members